Sebenernya, udah lama banget pengen posting yang satu ini, tapi secara masih belom pede.. jadi gak jadi2 deh.. :-)
Tapi.. setelah dipikir2.. pede ajaa lagi.. That means.. ngehargain diriku sendiri yang udah mau belajar :-)
Ini adalah tugas pertamaku di kelas non fiksinya Kelas Menulis, actually.. (mdh2an gak malu2in mba Endah sebagai tutorku.. hehehe..)
Waktu itu, rasanya seneeeng deh, waktu mba Endah bilang "Tulisannya saya masukin di galeri yaa.." :-)) Biarpun pendapat orang nantinya pasti beda2.. Justru buat masukan supaya bisa bikin tulisan yang lebih baik lagi..
Jun 5, 2008
Tugas Pertamaku.. :-)
Posted by
5:54 AM
May 7, 2008
Kerja di Rumah = Go Green
Ternyata kerja di rumah juga termasuk salah satu cara buat Go Green..!
Waktu jalan-jalan di Green Festival bulan lalu nemu yang ini nih :
"Jika 200 ribu warga Jakarta memiliki kendaraan pribadi
memilih untuk kerja di rumah 1 hari dalam seminggu, keuntungannya :
-Biaya yang bisa dihemat sekitar Rp2,6 trilyun/tahun
-Emisi yang bisa dikurangi sekitar 30 juta ton/tahun = menanam 30 juta pohon selama 30 tahun"
Sumber : Green festival Jakarta, 18-20 April 2008
** lumayan ya itu 2,6 trilyunnya...
Sayang, waktu itu ga bawa kamera,
Jadi ga bisa bagi2 gambarnya deh..
Tapi nemu link yang lumayan banyak gambarnya niih..
Kali2 aja, ada yg belom liat,
Walaupun beritanya udah ga apdet.. ;-)
Posted by
5:43 AM
Mar 12, 2008
Wishful Contract of Friendship
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires! May happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ...May 2008 be the best year of your life!
Wonderful words… and prayers…
kalo ada yang doain begini...
Meskipun kocak, mudah2an dikabuliin... Amiiin...
Thanks to Dewi...
my dear old-friend yang udah mempersembahkan kontrak ini buat akyu...
Sorry ya, Dew… baru sempet dipajang sekarang, padahal ngasihnya udah dari bulan lalu, ya…?
Buat temen2ku.. seeemmuaaanya, this contract's for youuu!!!
Temen-temen ex-Smansa, ex-Fikom, ex-Puri, OMD dan ex, dan lain-lain yang nggak kesebut disini, ngga ada satu pun dari kalian yang ngga berjasa buat akyu... :-)
Hiks... hiks.. mudah2an silaturrahmi tetap terjaga.. supaya diluaskan rizki.. dan diberi umur panjang... (hadist nabi ttg menjaga silaturahmi)... Amiiin..
Read More..
Posted by
8:54 PM
Feb 15, 2008
Leopard and Baby Monkey
Have you ever seen a female leopard taking care of her prey’s baby? It’s the most incredible live scene I’ve watched on NGC...
She was about to dig in her dinner, a dead long tailed grey monkey, when she saw movement next to the body. As a tiny baby monkey appeared from its dead mother’s embrace, stumbling in front of her, she took several inches backwards. For a moment, she only watched it with her ear straightened out, and maybe with some thinking, “Where the hell do this furry thing comes from?” *LOL*…(I myself have no idea how the baby could still hang on to its mother while the big cat was killing and dragging its mother up to a tree).
She had many chances to kill that fragile baby actually, but don’t know why, her parenting instinct raised. She stood over it just like a mother care for her child.
One time, the baby was about to fall off the tree. Amazing how the hungry leopard did serial of heroism. At first, she tried to hold the baby with her front leg. As she couldn’t pull it up, she then moved down to the lower branch, bite the baby’s tail and pulled it. However, the harder she tried, the baby became more frightened and held the branch even tighter, with both feet still off the ground.
She wouldn’t give up that fast, so once again she climbed the upper branch, stretched her body reaching the baby’s neck. With one bite, she finally made it, the baby was back on the branch again. (I can’t forget how she licked the baby’s fur afterward, like she was very contented at that time.)The scene was over when it finally sleeps in her embrace ‘til sun rise…
What a touching scene, huh? Still can’t believe she did it to her prey’s baby!! While there are many cases of child abuse out there… Leopard is apparently more human…
Posted by
7:26 AM
Feb 5, 2008
Good news
I've heard one good news today : my old friend will get her marriage reconciled…! Yippie...whatta happy happy thing…! Say goodbye to yesterdays and never look back. Hope the ties between you both will grow into devotion, forever…. :-)
Posted by
11:43 PM
Jan 13, 2008
Am I ?
Ah..ah? This is "the quiz version" of me :-P. Am I?
Not pretty sure bout it, but not bad for a game... :-) Try one!
You're The Giver!
by Lois Lowry
While you grew up with a sheltered childhood, you're pretty sure
everyone around you is even more sheltered. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, you were
tapped on the shoulder and transported to the real world. This made you horrified by
your prior upbringing and now you're tormented by how to reconcile these two lives.
Ultimately, the struggle comes down to that old free will issue. Choose
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Jan 11, 2008
Even A Cat Do It...
My husband called her ‘Beti’, taken from ‘Belang Tiga’. She’s a three-colored cat used to hanging around our house. My male cat
Few months ago, she gave birth to three cute little kittens. Two of them are black-white striped, and the other one is yellow (that lately I haven’t seen, sadly it maybe died). Now the two kittens are strong enough to run and play. If I peek through the kitchen window, I often see them playing and teasing each other, around the open roof outside.
I feed Beti rarely, coz I don’t always have foods to share and I'm worried if she depends on me much, she won’t be able to struggle for her own food. One day, I heard Beti grumbling noisily in front of the kitchen’s door and the moment I opened it, I took pity on her. She looked very thin! Then I found her cold fried fish in my fridge. As I threw it, she grabbed it quickly and put it into her mouth.
I wouldn’t pay more attention if only her shouting didn’t get louder and annoyed me. I almost drove her away but then I saw her below the stairs, look up towards an empty space around the open roof. Wonder what she was doing, I watched and waited what was going to happen. Not so long, the two kittens appeared at the upper of the stairs and welcoming their mother with the same noise.
Posted by
5:06 AM